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US + Offshore + AI
US talent, offshore savings + AI
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Join the Home Services Marketing Club
We specialize in just home services.
This means you’ll get better results, faster, for less money.
Maybe, but everything is 3x more expensive.
At peak times we won’t accept the work. We prioritize subscribers.
You need consistent, steady progress, don’t you?
What you need will vary by your business.
Eventually, you’ll outgrow us, and in-house some or all of your marketing. We know that. It’s ok. If we do our job right, your profits and company will grow.
In short, anything we cannot do or are not a good match for we’ll recommend some other solution or company.
Can I use keep my own guy / gal?
Yes! You can add us to them.
You can split up and delegate work however you prefer.
Yes! If needed, we can work with most software packages.
Needing to change is rare, and we’ll discuss and help migration if needed.
We do “ORM” – Online Reputation Management, and can help “flood” them off the page. We have dozens of accounts to help migrate good reviews from one platform to another if needed.
Actually removing bad reviews is rare, since free speech is protected, but we can in some cases get them suppressed or removed, or mitigate the effects.
Can you get me to #1 in Google?
That depends. We can audit your case and let you know if it’s realistic.
To get you to #1, we have to bump someone else off. This is not magic, it’s work, but in many cases we have helped clients move up in rank into the map-pack and/or increase rankings, including in some cases to position #1.
We need to talk first, but probably yes. More accurately, we can probably double your business profits and net take-home income.
It’s not magic though, it’s a series of steps – sometimes hundreds of steps that all multiply together.
Can you help me get back free time?
We can definitely help you escape “founderitis” – a business that’s more like a job than a business, and help you take a vacation, semi-retire, prepare it for sale and more.
A lot – we’ll help you set it up and use it; we use it to get more results, faster, including ads, headlines, sales copy, images and more.
- AI for Chatbots, Content, Social & More
- Email – Newsletters, Sequences, Transactional, AI
- SEO – General + Maps; Content Strategy
- Video Editing, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram
- Reviews Gathering & Reputation Management
- Paid Search on Google, Bing, YouTube
- Social Media – Facebook, Insta, X / Twitter & more
- Metrics & Reporting Dashboards
- API Software Bridges & Advanced Connections
- Wordpress Websites, Admin, Modifications
I’m in! Let’s do this.
Start for $7. Cancel anytime. We’ll schedule your kickoff meeting next.

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