{"id":424,"date":"2022-07-12T18:24:29","date_gmt":"2022-07-12T18:24:29","guid":{"rendered":"http:\/\/zzzwebadmin.swiftmarketing.com\/?p=424"},"modified":"2023-03-27T16:25:09","modified_gmt":"2023-03-27T16:25:09","slug":"merchant-cash-advance-leads","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/swiftmarketing.com\/zzzwebadmin\/merchant-cash-advance-leads","title":{"rendered":"Merchant Cash Advance Leads"},"content":{"rendered":"
What you really want with “Merchant Cash Advance Leads” is business funding appointments, or referral-quality leads.\n
APR 2023 UPDATE: NEW Pilot Program is open. Until recently all leads generated were for some very large players. Only small “test-batch” orders are being accepted until Summer 2023.\n
“Merchant Cash Advance Leads” vs “suspects” or “prospects”.\n\n\n
\nSome companies call a “lead” just someone who meets some basic targeting criteria – say, a trucking company in business for > 2 years, doing at least $40k\/mo in sales.\n\n\n
\nWe call those “prospects” or “suspects”. To us, a “Lead” is someone who is looking for funding, actively, and usually has responded to marketing specifically for that -not “induced”.\n
We specialize in real-time Merchant Cash Advance Leads, and previously worked with some large industry leaders on their marketing campaigns.\n\n\n
Frankly, there are a lot of junk lead generators out there. They get paid per lead, not per closing, and therefore have a financial interest in throwing up as much “dead wood” that’s never going to close as possible.\n\n
\nUCC Merchant Cash Advance Leads are to us, still suspects or prospects. Targeted, yes, and often they if they already have an MCA, they are soon thereafter in need of more cash, though this can contribute to a downward spiral of cash flow that ultimately kills the business.\n
MCAs can be a dirty business. We hope you take out the MCA with an SBA loan – lower interest, longer and better terms, and the SBA will insist on healthy cash flow. A good SBA loan won’t kill the business, but MCAs definitely can.\n
That said, business owners sometimes need a band-aid, a quick cash-flow solution, and so that’s where Merchant Cash Advance Leads come in.\n\n\n
Merchant Cash Advance Leads: Filtering\n\n
Note: Our ultimate goal is to advanced toward a pay-per-closing model with you, however, we will never start new buyers with that option. We need a history with you, and to see your closing rates for this to be an option. We have real tangible hard costs aside from opportunity cost for each lead and this we can’t just take your word for it.\n
That said, we can start with small orders.\n
Typical filters for Merchant Cash Advance Leads include:\n
- Industry: you can blacklist or whitelist certain industries. Example: Cannabis. Note that blacklisted industries are often less competitive, since they’re harder to fund and therefore have fewer people chasing deals. Also, some industries are seasonal, so they might be easy to fund some of the year, and impossible others (Christmas Tree Farms, Halloween stores).\n
- Time in Business. Startups are risky, but there’s a lot of ’em; 6mo-1year, 1year-2yrs, 2+ years.\n
- Credit Score of Owner – 650+ is common\n
- Type of Business Location – Brick & Mortar vs Online Only, though Online Only is hot right now for established players.\n
- Legal Issues: BK, Tax liens,\n
- Business Actively Licensed & operating – no signs of closure, business license not expired\n
- Monthly Income – $10K, $20k+, etc.\n
- Location – you can whitelist or blacklist by US state or country (i.e. if you can fund in Canada (some can), you’ll close more deals)\n\n
More filters increase the cost, but also increase your closing rates. Naturally, we do our best to target based on the filters provided, then we end up disqualifying some people.\n
A note on Exclusivity: We only sell live transfer exclusive, direct phone call connect when possible, with warm handoff.\n
They’re expensive. We charge more than other Merchant Cash Advance Leads companies, and aim for the highest quality, which means we’ll have lower volume. We aim to generate deals you’ll actually get paid on, and in the end, all that matters is maximizing your cost-per-closed-paid-deal with minimum time investment.\n
They’re all yours for exactly 14 days. If you haven’t closed within 14 days, then it goes to the “shark tank” – the Merchant Cash Advance Lead is resold 4 times.\n
TCPA & DNC Compliance: \n
We do not generate Merchant Cash Advance Leads via phone or SMS; any leads are responding to our substantial marketing systems.\n
Merchant Cash Advance Leads Delivery:\n
At this time, we deliver via\n
- Live Phone Call\n
- Email\n
- API Post (to your CRM, if you have one)\n
- We can trigger your autoresponder, if you don’t have one.\n\n
They will also automatically be stored in your SwiftCloud dashboard and logged to a spreadsheet, so there’s no chance you’ll lose them.\n
We are open to <in beta> <advanced options for tech nerds>.\n
- Ping Tree\n
- Ping Post\n\n
TIP: If you’re a tech nerd and know what these are, talk to us. This is a new system for more complex lead bidding & distribution.\n
Need something else? Let us know.\n